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Lindsay S. Duff

HELLO EVERYONE I’m Lindsay and believe it or not—trading didn’t even register on my radar until 2003 when a series of FORTUNATE events led to a company taking a chance on me and hiring me to learn to, not only trade—but to teach the program they were running.  I spent 3 months in their conference room, learning everything from the ground up— and I mean from the absolute basics.  I had NO idea what ANYTHING I was on the chart at that point so I had a LOT of learning to do.— Seriously—I was a bartender with a Criminal Justice Degree up until then, so I knew absolutely NOTHING.

Because I’m a VERY determined person, as time went on– I was not only running their live trading room but I had also revamped their curriculum (twice) to make it more understandable for their students and I had remade every single educational video they had to offer.  I knew this stuff inside and OUT.

I eventually moved on to work with and help start up 3 other trading companies that all had their own view or “secret” on how profitable trading was to be achieved. This unique opportunity allowed me to work with thousands of students to always gain a new perspective (I’m a walking FAQ) AND it allowed me to see more than you could even imagine from deep inside the day trading education business. With all this time on the inside, I knew a few things for SURE:

  • There were HUGE chunks of the puzzle that were missing from these companies that would allow students to become successful.
  • Students were still forced into a box that required them to trade in a way that wasn’t even producing solid results.
  • Because of that-they kept adding “events” that would jack up the cost for learning—seminars with “the next big secret” and such—yet the students never really learning anything new.

Knowing all of this—and the fact that I still believed there was a MUCH better way—I made the decision to do something different.  I took the time to really analyze what the missing pieces were.  The actual “secret” is learning to flow with the market.  To let the market tell YOU what to do instead of trying to make the market do what you want it to do. It’s learning the signals, having the patience to wait for them and having the confidence to execute when the time is right—which means being patient with yourself as well.

I am not some market guru. I have trades that do not win.  BUT I can tell you this with absolute confidence—I am a responsible chick that gets it and I’ve made it my life’s mission to help you to make informed decisions in the market. To take this gift that has been handed to me and to share it with whoever is willing to learn in order to becoming an independently profitable Responsible Day Trader.

To introduce myself to you, I have a FREE course that will help prepare you for my next class.  In 2 weeks, I’ll have a special course designed just for TRADE ALL MARKETS. I’m here in the group if you have any questions. HAPPY TRADING!!!!

The actual “secret” is learning to flow with the market. To let the market tell YOU what to do instead of trying to make the market do what you want it to do. It’s learning the signals, having the patience to wait for them and having the confidence to execute when the time is right—which means being patient with yourself as well.

Trade All Markets Disclosure: The courses on this website contain affiliate links. Although we receive a commission for using and liking the experts’ courses, our opinions and suggestions are unbiased. This is being disclosed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.